Monday 4 June 2012

Goldman Goes Green. Investing 40 Billion On The Way.

Ah... and another. We know, Goldman is all about money, sure, but, 40 billion is a lot. So regardless of the connotations associated with the firm as of late, 40 BILLION is a lot of money!

And they've done it before. In 2011 Goldman Sachs helped finance green technology companies worldwide to the tune of 4.8 billion dollars. Now, this is in contrast to the types of commitments we've seen from universities and other firms like Harbro and Microsoft who've pledged operational changes within their own organization mirroring mostly internal changes to reflect their steps toward being green. And while Goldman Sachs has pledged to zero carbon emissions by 2020, we haven't heard of much else on that front.

We can say a lot, and perhaps not positively, about the many green technology companies that have received heavy funding in the past decade and seen little to no growth, we can't think of any other firms investing this much cash into green technologies. And it's the not the usual suspects of clean enery solutions that Goldman Sachs plans to invest in... "The banks new 40 billion dollar target applies to investments and financings for solar, wind, hydro biofuels, biomass conversion..." and the list goes on.

We recognize green technology is a valuable investing opportunity to huge upside, and we're happy to see another firm does as well.

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